ASAE/ASABE EP378.4 (R2019)

Original price was: $72.00.Current price is: $36.00.

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ASAE/ASABE EP378.4 (R2019)

Original price was: $72.00.Current price is: $36.00.

Floor and Suspended Loads on Agricultural Structures Due to Use
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 06/01/2010

Format: PDF      In Stock



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Purpose and Scope:

1.1 This Engineering Practice presents probable floor and suspended loads due to building use and methods of applying the loads in building design.

1.2 This Engineering Practice includes recommended design loads resulting from livestock, suspended caged poultry, vehicles, and manure stored on a floor. It does not include loads on manure storages, or wind and snow loads, or building design loads covered by ANSI/ASCE-7. Specifications for these applications are included in ASABE Engineering Practice EP393, Manure Storages.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 200 KB